San Antonio area Home Inspection Pricing
How to calculate your San Antonio area Home Inspection pricing :
The Home Inspection pricing below is for inspecting preowned / completed / existing homes.
Call or email us for pricing on:
New Home - Construction Phase & Warranty Inspections.
Multi Family & Commercial Property Inspections.
Specialty Inspections such as for Roofs, Decks, Thermal Imaging, Foundation Level Surveys, etc.
" Inspected once,
Inspected right "
Under 1000 sq. ft. $ 320.00
1,000 to 1,599 sq. ft. $ 355.00 * Note: Price quotes are for Concrete Slab Foundations.
For homes with Basements, Pier and Beam or
1,600 to 1,999 sq. ft. $ 385.00 Crawl Space Foundations : add $ 50.00
2,000 to 2,299 sq.ft. $ 410.00 ** For a New Home Construction Pre Move In
Inspection add 10% to Base Price at left.
2,300 to 2,599 sq.ft. s $ 425 .00 *** Note: Homes over 20 years old : add $ 35.00
2,600 to 2,999 sq. ft. $ 445.00 Homes over 35 years old : add $ 50.00
3,000 to 3299 sq. ft. $ 460.00 Homes over 50 years old : add $ 65.00
3,300 to 3,499 sq.ft. $ 475.00 **** Mileage / Distance fee may apply !
3,500 and up .13 / sq. ft. ***** Add on fees apply for Options such as: Sprinkler System, Decks,
Separate Buildings, Thermal Imaging, Foundation Level Survey, etc.
Example: 1625 Square Foot (living area) home with a slab foundation and 24 years old would be
$ 365.00 + $ 35.00 (over 20 years old) = $ 400.00 Total Inspection Fee
Example: 2574 Square foot (living area) home with a pier and beam foundation built in 1958 would be
$ 415.00 + $ 50.00 (pier and beam) + $65.00 (over 35 years old) = $ 530.00 Total Inspection Fee
Example: 2189 Square Foot (living area) home with a slab foundation and 10 years old would be
= $ 395.00 Total Inspection Fee
Call for New Home - Construction Phase,
and Warranty Inspection pricing.
Call for pricing on Commercial Property and Multi Family Property Inspections.
Call for Deck Inspection pricing, Roof inspection pricing.
Call for Thermal Imaging, Foundation Level Surveys, Proper Grading / Drainage Surveys.
Call us for Expert Witness pricing.
For additional pricing Information call :
(210) 559 - 3236
Or - Email JWK Inspections @
Joe Keresztury of JWK Inspections performing Home Inspections in San Antonio,
Schertz, New Braunfels, Bulverde, Boerne and all surroundng south Texas areas