Water Heater TPR Valve

This Arizona home as seen in the photo had the water heater explode and shoot thru the roof like a missile. Missile landing was down the street.
Water heaters can become rocket propelled bombs if the pressure or temperature gets too high and these valves fail to work.
If the water reaches a temperature of 210°F (before superheating occurs) or the water pressure exceeds 150 psi, the valve should open and release the overheated water. This will allow cold water to enter, lowering the temperature of the water in the tank and consequently the water pressure. The valve is meant to remain open as long as the temperature or pressure exceeds the preset limit. The valve must be located on the tank at the top or on the side near the top, where the water is usually the hottest. TPR valves are not usually included with the water heater packaging, so be sure that the TPR valve installed matches the heat rating (BTU rating) of the water heater.

As TPR valves get older they sometimes begin to leak. They tend to weaken over time and also after releasing small amounts of water over time it can build up deposits in the valve that will begin to interfere with it closing. Sometimes particles from the tank get stuck in it holding the valve partially open. The TPR valve on your water heater should be monitored to see when replacement is needed. There is a lever on the TPR valve that lets you manually open it. It is highly recommended to open this periodically to make sure that the Temperature and Pressure Relief Valve and its drain line is functioning and draining properly.
By Joseph W. Keresztury, JWK Inspections- San Antonio and surrounding areas Home Inspector and New Home Construction Specialist
JWK Inspections is available for all types of Inspections, including new homes and pre owned homes along with Consulting services, Construction Management and Build Your Own Home services also being available
Gas and Electric Water Heater Temperature Pressure Relief Valve Drain Line, TPRV, TPRV Drain Line, TPR Valve, WH TPRV, Water Heater TPRV,
Hey Joe, This is an awesome
Hey Joe, This is an awesome blog. It provides a ton of useful information and explains it so anyone can understand. Keep up the good work.
Chris Stanford
Joe KereszturyJWK
Joe Keresztury
JWK Inspections
San Antonio, Texas
(210) 559-3236
Hey Stan, Thanx for checking in. Did you get a look at that top pic where the Water Heater like a missile shot thru the roof of that Arizona home and was found hundreds of feet away after all the destruction. It doesn't happen often like that but it does happen. The explosion was so severe that they brought in the ATF to verify there was no foul play.
Chris (Stan) Stanford is a San Antonio colleague. You can visit his Home Inspection website at: www.stanfordinspections.com
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