4. Blogs by your San Antonio Home Inspector
Thermal Imaging - Infrared Camera
Submitted by JoeKeresztury on Tue, 06/17/2008 - 11:00.Thermal Imaging for your San Antonio area Home, Commercial Property and Multi Family Buildings.
Illustration Image Credit USADraeger
The illustration above shows the thermal imaging process with it's progressions thru the infrared camera. The process starts with a unique lens that allows infrared energy thru it. Then the focused light goes thru the sensor and then the thermogram (temperature differential readings) is transferred to the screen with colored images.


Photo above left shows insulation deficiency with thermal imaging at the area shown in the center photo shown. At right our inspector was even able to show with a photo the area low on insulation in the attic. In many cases the area viewed with thermal imaging is unaccessible in walls or in many attic areas. This serie of photos shows the efectiveness of thermal imaging at a low insufficient area of blown insulation. This was new home construction. Note: Please excuse the quality os some of the photos in this article- by the time they get here it is copies of copies, stc. The thermal imaging photos and any other photos in inspection reports are of a very good quality.
Thermal Imaging with an infrared camera is an imaging science that actually detects radiation in a particular infrared array of the electromagnetic spectrum that produces radiation images. Thermal imaging works because every object, the items that the infrared camera is viewing produces radiation images. Thermal Imaging with an Infrared Camera is an imaging science that actually detects radiation images thru it. Thermal imaging works because every object (item) in the camera view puts out infrared radiation created due to each objects temperature. The higher the temperature is, the higher the radiation is produced by the object.Thermmal imaging with the infrared camera allows you to see your environment withought any lumination / light. Thermal imaging has the ability to see hot or even warm objects against cooler surroundings.Thermal Imaging (Infrared Camera) works by showing the amounts of infrared transmitted, produced and / or reflected by objects in the view of the camera.
Thermal imaging actually works for many purposes, uses and occupations besides home & commercial propertty inspections. Home & Commercial Building Inspections are the focus of this article for information about Thermal Imaging with an Infrared Camera in the San Antonio and South Texas areas. Thermal Imaging can be used to review and verify proper insulation in walls and ceilings, locate air gaps, & missing insualtion, identify active leaks, locate a leak source, find over heating electrical wiring, review HVAC issues and more.
Photos below thruout this article will show actual Thermal Imaging w/ Infrared Cameras from different inspectors at JWK Inspections, including by Joe Keresztury, Dan Sawazki, Jerry Inloes, Hoyt Pollock & Brian Schantz at numerous Home and Commercial Building Inspections in San Antonio and other South Texas areas.
Typical ceiling and walll images with no issues / problem areas.
Thermal Imaging Photos above are from a San Antonio area Property Inspection by JWK Inspections. They show Infrared Camera views of a ceiling & wall with no apparent problem areas noted. Images below will show Thermal Imaging photos with significant problems shown thru different Infrared Cameras by the various JWK Inspections Specialists thruout this blog / article at numerous properties including homes, commercial buildings and multi family properties.
Images above show thermal imaging- infrared camera views at San Antonio Home & Commercial Property Inspections indicating missing wall insulation.
The images below show thermal imaging by the infrared cameras apparently indicating walls and ceiling areas having inadequate insulation.
Below- Additional Thermal Imaging views from the infrared camera showing ceiling hot spots indicating probable missing insulation at San Antonio area Home, Commercial Property & Multi Family Inspections. . . .
The photo above right also shows missing insulation in a high wall that backs up to the attic. The colors are reversed from the above missing insulation images in this thermal imaging photo by InterNachi. The reason being is that it most likey was in a cold winter climate where the living area was warm from the heating system and the attic was cold. Thus the dark blue at the missing insulation in the wall to attic. It doesn't show up as a hot spot (but the opposite) as in above images as would be the circumstances here in South Texas most of the year.
Above left & center samples show the thermal imaging indicating energy loss. The left photo and the center photo show hot spots that verify energy loss at the attic access areas. The right photo shows an insulated attic access that does not have the energy loss as the other 2 areas shown. For the 2 pictures at left around the attic access ladder & scuttle hole was R-30 blown insulation thruout the ceilng areas above the sheetrock. Which is a good insulation factor but this shows why it's also a good idea to have an insulated access ladder cover (left0 or insulation attached to a scuttle hole cover (center).
Below- The photos show energy loss at door to the garage (upper left & right) and door to attics centert). The 2 photos at bottom of this group show a front door with energy loss.
HVAC & Duckwork-
The 3 top photos below were at a San Antonio area new home warranty inspection. As per homeowner, according to the builder the constant leak experienced by the the client had been fixed. The thermal imaging indicated otherwise. The top left image showed an active leak with dark blue areas apperentl showing it was wet up in ther concealed ceiling area above the area shown in center photo. The top right photo appeared to be the source of the leaks and needed proper corrections. The photos across the bottom section are more samples of the infrared camera finding active leaks.
Plumbing Leaks-
Above- In addition to roof leaks, thermal imaging can identify plumbing leaks that are behind walls (or up in ceilings) as shown in the sample above.
Below- The 3 pairs of photos are at a San Antonio area apartment complex inspected by JWK Inspections. At the ceiling areas in the units shown there was damage, staining & patching (repairs). The photos below left show the view of a regular camera. The photos below right show proof that the leaks were still active, unresolved.
Images below show Thermal Imaging at electrical connections, including subpanels and breakers at numerous San Antonio area Property Inspections. Sub panels may aapear to show overheating breakers with thermal imaging at times but unless over 110 degrees isn't an issue. Over 110 degrees tends to be a warning level and over 115 degrees should be check out for too hot at breakers and wires leading to the breakers.
Two different thermal imaging views show the testing of hot water at San Antonio area Home Inspections. It's always best to keep hot water temperature settings at 120 degrees or lower for safety scalding purposes. These images show the temperatures at 146 (left) and 129 (right). Both should be lowered, especially the one with a 146 deg. reading.
Thermal Imaging can also identify Air flow leaks in the HVAC System at ceiling levels below attic and from a leak in attic.
(JWK Inspection photos)
Samples show Output / Input differentials with the Thermal Imaging on the A/C system. With thermal imaging the properly needed A /C balance from room to room can be reviewed and the needed output / intajke differential can be verified. Samples show output /intake differentials not within acceptable tolerance.
By JWK Inspections - Joe Keresztury
Photo credits- JWK Inspections by: Brian Schantz, Dan Sawazki, Jerry Inloes & Joe Keresztury, Hoyt Pollock
Image (Illustration) at top (credit) - USADraeger