4. Blogs by your San Antonio Home Inspector
Zip Level System - Foundation Level Surveys & more . . . .
Submitted by JoeKeresztury on Sat, 04/07/2018 - 02:29.
A Zip Level can be used for quite a few things. We have used it for many purposes for our inspections and consulting clients., including for Foundation Level Surveys, Floor Elevation Readings, Grading / Drainage Slope Surveys, Shooting the Grades at land areas for a home to be built, Commercial Property Flat Roof Level Surveys. Flatwork Slope Surveys, Pre Concrete pour level surveys and form surveys, etc.
The Ziplevel product overview shown below as described by the manufacturers and suppliers.
Below are samples shown of different ways we have used the Ziplevel System for our clients in the San Antonio & surrounding south Texas areas.
JWK Inspections Specliasts Dan Sawatzki (left) & Brian Schantz (right) are shown with the Zip Level equipment performing a foundation level survey at left & a grading / drainage level survey. As shown the system can be put directly on the floor (or grade surface) as seen at left or an adjustable pole can be used for the monitor (right). Below left shows an illustration of a Foundation Level Survey with the readings from the Zip Level. Below right the illustration is a sample of a Drainage Slope Survey readings at the problem areas around the foundation.
Click Image at right for : More Foundation Drainage Slope Info
The illustration at left shows a Drainage slope survey on a concrete driveway at a San Antonio area home inspection. The center illustartaion shows a garage level surface slope survey that was also performed by a Zip Level. At the right it shows the Zip Level readings for a patio / porch area. As shown with those readings there was adequate slope at the porch areas.
The image shows the readings by the Zip Level System in red of shooting the grades for a proposed homes location on a homesite. At the left is a survey of the land. On the survey we established the location of the proposed home as determined on site at the location. At the right is a closer view of the proposed house location. The back left corner of the home (front left in image) is the starting reference point at 0.0". The corners of the future structures footprint (homes envelope) show the readings of the grade slope as determined by the Zip Level. The back corner with an 88.4" reading has the most slope location at the projected foundation area. A starting 2' foundation level height at the reference point indicates that back corner of the slab foundation will be 9'-4" above the grade level there. Calculations being: 88.4" = 7'4". Add the 2' starting slab height from the reference point and that gives you the 9'-4" foundation level height for that back corner above grade.
Dan Sawatzki, JWK Inspections Professional Inspector and Zip Level Specialist is shown on a Commercial Property Roof Top doing a Roof Level Survey on a TPO type Roof on the building. The photo below shows the roof top readings of the Zip Level Survey which indicated inadequate slope. Even though it is considered a flat roof it shoud have adequate slope (2% min) as per the original design (front to back in this case) which the Zip Level Survey verified it didn't have. The slope was inadequate & there was also numerous low / ponding areas. That will contribute to leak issues.
For more info about our Commercial Property Inspections (click here)
For more info on Drainage Slope around Foundations (click here)
For more info on Foundation Level Surveys -
Photos, Illustrations & Info are by:
Joe Keresztury, JWK Inspections & Consulting