Energy $aving Tips for Your San Antonio area Home- Part 3 | JWK Inspections

Energy $aving Tips for Your San Antonio area Home- Part 3

Energy Tips To Help You $ave (Cont'd)

Updating your thermostat to a programmable one can save at least a couple hundred dollars per year. The programmable thermostat is set to adjust temperatures at different times as needed. For instance in lieu of maintaining your temperature setting while being gone all day, your thermostat can be programmed to start up 15 minutes before arriving home to the desired temperature for a comfortable arrival without having run the unit all day. This could also extend the life expectancy of your HVAC equipment.
Maintaining proper seals on your HVAC’s ductwork and plenums is another recommendation that can go a long way, since a lot of heat or air escapes through ductworks joints and holes. Duct work is usually running through the attic, making it accessible for maintaining. The basic, simple way to seal duct work joints is with duct tape or foil tape. A brushed on mastic with wrap can be applied for a longer lasting more efficient seal. The mastic should be flexible so as to compensate for the duct work expanding and shrinking due to temperature changes in the attic.

Cont'd at-   Energy Tips Part 4

By Joseph W. Keresztury, JWK Inspections- San Antonio and surrounding areas Home Inspector and New Home Construction Specialist

JWK Inspections is available for Home Inspections Monday thru Saturday for San Antonio, Schertz, Garden Ridge, New Braunfels, Boerne and all South Texas surrounding areas. Commercial Inspections, Consulting and Construction Management services  available. Build your own Home services also available.

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